Saturday, July 30, 2011

August 20 National Honey Bee Day & Follow The Honey

Please join in the buzz as we celebrate Massachusetts 1st National Honey Bee Day as we Grand Open our Follow The Honey store at 1132 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA with a day into night series of honeybee-centric events.

Check us out Follow The Honey out on Facebook!

And here is the link with the evolving National Honey Bee Day line up:

We'll be screening under the stars in a Harvard Square green space a documentary work-in-progress.

Here's the gist from the filmmaker herself who will be in attendance at the screening and throughout the day,


a film by Karen Koch

Inspired by a love of pollinators and a visit from the National Guard to study Permaculture in Northern New Mexico before being deployed to Afghanistan, Ms. Koch has spent a year following the honey. The National Guard’s mission, in the northeastern province of Paktya, was to help restore the bee habitat. Devastated by 30 years of Russian landmines, 10 years of drought and a subsequent generational loss of agricultural knowledge, Afghanistan is an environmental disaster. After following the National Guard’s classes in New Mexico and then the mass pollination of the almond orchards in California’s Central Valley, Ms. Koch and her cameraman became embedded with the Guard to FOLLOW THE HONEY in Afghanistan.

The teachings of Permaculture provide a framework to examine the complex interconnectivity of Colony Collapse Disorder and the signs of American empire collapse. Honey and Money – it’s all connected.

Having returned from Afghanistan 24 hours before Osama Bin Laden was killed, editing is still in its early stages. The filmmaker would like to use this screening as a focus group to help guide the final film.

PLEASE NOTE: What you will see is a rough cut of a work in progress.

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